cdl testing
Take Your CDL Test at Apex's Facility
Getting a CDL license is a monumental step towards a new truck driving career. Before you get that CDL license, however, it’s essential to pass a rigorous test. Many prospective commercial drivers use the DMV or a similar government office to take their test, but there might be some good reasons for choosing a third-party […]
Important information regarding the CDL
Companies are always hiring for professional CDL truck drivers. If you’ve always been interested in trucking or just want a career to support your family without going to a university, this may be the right place for you. However, before you can begin working you must have training and pass your licensing exam. We have […]
Take Your CDL Test at Apex's Facility
Before being granted a commercial driver’s license, or CDL, it’s necessary to undergo CDL testing. Often, tests are performed at a 3rd party CDL testing facility . This CDL testing is one of the final steps to entering a commercial driving career.