image of older man in red flannel driving truck

Truck Drivers: Improve Your Efficiency with These Time-Saving Habits

Hack Your Way into Being a Productive Trucker

When you finish your CDL training and you’re out on the road, you want to make sure you’re the best driver you can be. Try some of these “life hacks” to improve your efficiency and please your customers – and your company! 

Save Time with These Good Habits

As a CDL driver, you know that time is money and a driver who makes the best use of their time will be maximizing their productivity and job satisfaction. We can help you learn some efficiency tricks that will teach you how to get the most out of your miles every week.

“Slow” and Steady Wins the Race

Efficient drivers carefully watch their speed as it can directly impact your fuel usage. Speeding can be dangerous and also use fuel much quicker than traveling the speed limit. Quicker fuel usage means more stops which can cut back on time that could be spent getting to your next customer.

Watch the Roads

Traffic patterns and weather conditions can make or break a route. You can improve your efficiency by planning your routes around weather conditions and rush hour traffic. Work with the road instead of against it.

Sleep Like It’s Your Job

Getting enough sleep is one of the best things a trucker can do for themselves and their job. You think more clearly and respond more quickly when you’re well-rested. Pushing yourself to exhaustion will only hinder your ability to efficiently plan your routes.

Tackle Loads like a Boss

Finally, trucking is largely about being able to meet deadlines. When you take the time to plan your loading and unloading times, you can meet and exceed expectations. If you find yourself ahead of schedule, you can reach out to your customer to see if they have room to let you deliver or pick up a load.

A stellar trucking career often boils down to high driver efficiency. With time and practice, you can excel in as an efficient CDL driver!

Ready to start your career in truck driving? Contact Apex CDL today!