• Image of a paper with the words "drug test results" at the top, a pen laying on the paper

    Updates and Changes to Drug Testing

    The DOT is amending its Federal drug testing program to include four Schedule II Opioid drugs.

  • image of white truck driving through sand

    Hot to Beat the Heat in your Truck

    Driving a truck during the summer isn’t the same as driving during other months. You have to deal with the heat, the sun, construction, travelers, and more. Read on for a few tips.

  • image of crashed white semi truck with workers in front of it

    Biggest Problems that Arise while Driving

    Unfortunately, distracted truck driving is a huge problem on the roads. It is dangerous enough in your average car. When you are operating a commercial vehicle, and don’t have as quick a stopping time, it is of even greater importance that you keep your eyes and mind on traffic.

  • image of two white semi trucks driving away from the sunset

    Rules of the Road for Trucking

    An extremely common, and dangerous, practice in trucking is keeping an improper following distance in traffic. It doesn’t matter whether you are new to trucking or a veteran, anyone can benefit from a refresher course on space management.