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New Recruitment Strategies to Hire Younger Drivers

Tips on Getting a Younger Crowd to Your School

The continually growing shortage of drivers in the trucking industries is leading transportation companies to use more tech-oriented strategies for young driver recruitment. American Trucking Associations found the industry is currently short 48,000 drivers and that if trends continue, the driver shortage could rise to nearly 175,000 by 2024.

Shift Away From Traditional Driver Recruitment

Changing Trucking Recruitment Strategies

Referrals have always remained the top recruiting strategy, but recently there has been a shift away from recruiting through traditional channels (i.e. trade publications and job boards.) The use of social networking has increased by 13 percent. Over 60 percent of trucking companies with more than 500 employees are participating in social media to improve their chances of finding candidates.

Smart Trucking Ads on Social Media

Many companies are past standard social media like Facebook or Twitter and have moved to visually-oriented platforms. By using Instagram or even Snapchat, they can take pictures of things like company events, recruiting events, or even post pictures of things from around the country like a beautiful sunset from employees on their routes.

Focus on Truck Driver Retention

As well as trying to hire younger people, trucking wants to retain as many drivers as they can. So, wellness benefits have increased spending by 6 percent every year to keep older workers on the job. 55 percent of companies are employing new tactics like driver appreciation events, and 36 percent are offering flexible work arrangements. A recent survey found that employers giving employees a higher degree of flexible working environments earn greater loyalty from millennial workers.
The perception that long-haul trucking is an unhealthy job with high rates of obesity is being combatted up front now. Trucking companies are employing wellness to appeal to more young workers.

Contact Apex CDL today to find out how you can get started on your path the truck driving today.