image of old semi-cabs in a dirt lot

A Look Back at Trucking: 1980s-Today

The Changes in the Industry Over the Years

The trucking phenomenon had waned by the start of the 80s, because of the rise of cell phone technology, the CB radio was no longer popular in mainstream culture outside of trucking.

Trucking from the 80s to Today


Motor carrier deregulation was a part of a large reduction in controls over price and entry, as well as collective vendor price setting in US transportation. It began around 1970-71 with initiatives during the Nixon Administration and carried out through the Ford and Carter Administrations. This was all collectively seen as a part of deregulation across the US.

The Motor Carrier Act of 1980

The Motor Carrier Act partially deregulated the trucking industry — drastically increasing the number of trucking companies operating. The trucking workforce de-unionized, which resulted in lower overall pay for drivers. However, deregulation did increase the competition and productivity within the trucking industry as a whole, which was very beneficial to the American consumer as it lowered prices.

The Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982

This act established a federal minimum for truck weight limits — finally standardizing the truck size and weight limits on the Interstate Highways across the country. This resolved the issue of barrier state.

Trucking Today

Big-box stores such as Wal-Mart and Target, and now, have led to the dominance of trucking starting in the late 90s. The flood of goods that can now be shipped and transported within only a couple of days has led to a greater demand for drivers, which the industry cannot keep up with.
To prevent shipment damages and for a more cost-effective way to block and brace cargo, the Loadbar was invented. The Loadbar is a disposable restraint system that is combined with a 2×4 to prevent longitudinal and lateral movements in the trailer with no need to maintain ownership after use.

Contact Apex CDL today to find out how you can get started in truck driving today.